First "real" blues concert
(too old to reply)
Randy G.
2008-10-06 16:53:00 UTC
I had the opportunity to play my first real blues set in "public" this
past weekend. For the last 11 months or so I have been playing at a
weekly open mic blues jam in a bar. Things have been going quite well
there, and I seem to get along with most of the regulars (who knows
what they say behind my back?) ;-) .

This past Saturday the Exchange Club of Paradise (California) held
their annual Blues and Brews which is a fundraiser for local school
music programs. The "Upper Ridge Blues Society" is the groups I play
with... group in the loosest sense of the term as the only membership
requirement is to play the blues and show up at the jams, which is
cool by me.. Our rehearsals were two of the jams where we sort of
went through the set list to get a feel for how many songs we could

The set went really well considering we aren't really a groups at all.
MY wife took some video with my Sony still digicam which also does
rudimentary video. While the sound it records is not the best, it
still gave me the opportunity to hear myself play for a good amount of
time, and even though I am my own worst critic, I felt quite
comfortable listening to myself, and a couple of my solos I have
listened to a few times and have been quite pleased.

In the meantime, I am still trying to find a place in an established
(or about to be established) group... WHAT IS IT with musicians? One
fellow who sounded motivated, and had practice space, a drummer with a
PA, etc., flaked on me and evidently changed hi mind about starting a
group. The most recent fellow who contacted me I think may be in
jail..! Last time I talked to him he said, "I am on my way into court
and can't talk right now," and I have not heard from him since...
almost three weeks now... Is it my breath?

Randy G.
2008-10-06 17:08:57 UTC
Post by Randy G.
I had the opportunity to play my first real blues set in "public" this
past weekend. For the last 11 months or so I have been playing at a
weekly open mic blues jam in a bar. Things have been going quite well
there, and I seem to get along with most of the regulars (who knows
what they say behind my back?) ;-) .
This past Saturday the Exchange Club of Paradise (California) held
their annual Blues and Brews which is a fundraiser for local school
music programs. The "Upper Ridge Blues Society" is the groups I play
with... group in the loosest sense of the term as the only membership
requirement is to play the blues and show up at the jams, which is
cool by me.. Our rehearsals were two of the jams where we sort of
went through the set list to get a feel for how many songs we could
The set went really well considering we aren't really a groups at all.
MY wife took some video with my Sony still digicam which also does
rudimentary video. While the sound it records is not the best, it
still gave me the opportunity to hear myself play for a good amount of
time, and even though I am my own worst critic, I felt quite
comfortable listening to myself, and a couple of my solos I have
listened to a few times and have been quite pleased.
In the meantime, I am still trying to find a place in an established
(or about to be established) group... WHAT IS IT with musicians? One
fellow who sounded motivated, and had practice space, a drummer with a
PA, etc., flaked on me and evidently changed hi mind about starting a
group. The most recent fellow who contacted me I think may be in
jail..! Last time I talked to him he said, "I am on my way into court
and can't talk right now," and I have not heard from him since...
almost three weeks now... Is it my breath?
Randy G.
Hi Randy, Congratulation! Re: musicians, yes they tend to be very
flakey. About 4-5 months ago I started a 6 piece blues group. 50% of the
time one or more persons could not make the once a week rehearsal. So I
dissolved the group. Then I was approached by 3 musicians who called
themselves a blues band.They were looking for a harp player. I went to a
rehearsal where they played original modern hip hop, americana, and rap
crap. They played 2 blues songs in 3 hrs. Asked me to return and I
said"no thanks" Went on Craigslist asking for ONE SERIOUS blues
guitarist/vocalist.He answered in one day and as a result you can see
and hear us on http;//www.reverbnation.com/frontporchblues Lots of
musicians are out there ,only they look at music as a part time hobby
for having some part time fun. I suggest you try a Craigslist ad in your
area and indicate in detail your intentions and seriousness.Good luck. I
went to the site you have listed. Are you in the coffee business? Allen
Randy G.
2008-10-14 14:04:21 UTC
.... I suggest you try a Craigslist ad in your
area and indicate in detail your intentions and seriousness.Good luck. I
went to the site you have listed. Are you in the coffee business? Allen
I have tried that as well as placed a listing on bandmix.com. I think
that the flighty nature of so many folks in music is driven by the
artistic nature that makes them musicians in the first place. I will
keep looking until I find something or am dead...

I forgot to change the default sig file when I posted that... I am
involved in the coffee business, but as a writer and graphic artist. I
don't actually sell anything. I have written a couple of owners
manuals for coffee appliances as well as some webwork:

My Espresso website. All text, photos, layout are of my creation
including all the reviews as well as the logo:

Hottop: I am the webmaster for the USA Office of Cheng Yue
http://www.hottopusa.com/ (wrote virtually all of the content as well
as nearly all of the photos are of my creation)

Owners manual for the Hottop Coffee Roaster. I took all the photos,
wrote virtually all the text, and created the entire layout:

Also created the entire repair procedures for the Hottop Coffee
Roaster including the creation of the procedures themselves, taking
all the photos, writing all the text, and doing all the layout:

I created this entire owner's manual for the US market for the
Vibiemme Domobar Super espresso machine, including taking all the
photos, writing all the text, and doing the entire layout:
Randy G.
Bushman Harps - Genz Benz BP-30
Play to Live - Live to Play
