Newbie woes regarding Hohner Chromonica 64
(too old to reply)
2009-02-06 13:43:46 UTC
Dear all,
I am, now, a proud owner of a Hohner Chromonica 64-the 16 hole wonder.
I got it through an internet website and it has arrived only a couple
of days ago. It really is a gem of an instrument and I am really glad
I went for it.

However, I have noticed two things after playing continuously for the
past two days.
1. I cannot get any sound from the 2nd draw hole (ie the 'F' note from
the second register out of the 4 redgsters of the harmonica). Now, I
dont know of any songs where I reach such low notes, but still since I
have a very good harmonica, I would want it to work perfectly. There
are no harmonica repair people anywhere around where I live. So, I
would like to know as to what could be the problem and what i could do
to cure it. Even though the instrument is pretty new, I am not averse
to opening things and having a look around. I looked on websites but I
could not find any helpful links (maybe I was not using the right
keywords). Help please.

2. The wind-savers on my harmonica are all two flap type. One of them
began popping so I had to wipe it. But I seem to have bent it in my
enthusiasm. I don't know if I can get more wind-savers anywhere. Can I
unbend the existing one? If so, what would be the right way to go
about doing it?

Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated.

2009-02-06 20:59:59 UTC
Post by Gaurav
Dear all,
Congrats on your purchase. It's a nice instrument
Post by Gaurav
However, I have noticed two things after playing continuously for the
past two days.
1. I cannot get any sound from the 2nd draw hole (ie the 'F' note from
the second register out of the 4 redgsters of the harmonica).
Common solutions:
- The low register takes a different playing technique. The low draw 2
is notoriously hard. In stead of "drawing" try gently breathing through
the hole.
- Adjust the gapping
Post by Gaurav
I looked on websites but I
could not find any helpful links (maybe I was not using the right
keywords). Help please.
forum: http://www.slidemeister.com/forum
reference: http://www.angelfire.com/music/harmonica/
Post by Gaurav
2. The wind-savers on my harmonica are all two flap type. One of them
began popping so I had to wipe it.
Before playing be sure to have the harmonica (the reedplates) warmed up
to about body temperature. It'll prevent 99.99% of your popping problems
in the future...
Post by Gaurav
But I seem to have bent it in my
enthusiasm. I don't know if I can get more wind-savers anywhere.
It's possible to bend it back. If the wind saver really died, you could
remake one yourself (thin enough plastic from any source, ultrasuede,
leather, sellotape) order them from Hohner or an on line shop (I've seen
them at harp online (Germany), but I'm sure others might carry them as
well). Heard good stories on Bill Romel's self adhesive (teflon?) wind
savers (google for em).
On the sites above you'll find plenty of references

Can I
Post by Gaurav
unbend the existing one? If so, what would be the right way to go
about doing it?
Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated.
2009-02-07 02:51:40 UTC
Post by Gaurav
Dear all,
I am, now, a proud owner of a Hohner Chromonica 64-the 16 hole wonder.
I got it through an internet website and it has arrived only a couple
of days ago. It really is a gem of an instrument and I am really glad
I went for it.
However, I have noticed two things after playing continuously for the
past two days.
1. I cannot get any sound from the 2nd draw hole (ie the 'F' note from
the second register out of the 4 redgsters of the harmonica). Now, I
dont know of any songs where I reach such low notes, but still since I
have a very good harmonica, I would want it to work perfectly. There
are no harmonica repair people anywhere around where I live. So, I
would like to know as to what could be the problem and what i could do
to cure it. Even though the instrument is pretty new, I am not averse
to opening things and having a look around. I looked on websites but I
could not find any helpful links (maybe I was not using the right
keywords). Help please.
2. The wind-savers on my harmonica are all two flap type. One of them
began popping so I had to wipe it. But I seem to have bent it in my
enthusiasm. I don't know if I can get more wind-savers anywhere. Can I
unbend the existing one? If so, what would be the right way to go
about doing it?
Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated.
For much easier and less effort playing you need to remove the
reedplates and gap the reeds. A bent windsaver wont help matters but
your problem lies in the gapping. Hohner is a bunch of limp dicked
idiots for securing the reed plates with brad nails. It makes an easy
and accurate procedure into a more difficult with a possibly less than
preferred outcome after your labors task. Removing brads and putting
em back into the same holes can be detrimental to the harps air
tightness. Good luck and dont buy Hohner until they fix their f--k ups
and start producing quality products. Personaly I'd throw the sombitch
away and buy a Suzuki
2009-02-07 15:38:44 UTC
Post by Adams661
Post by Gaurav
Dear all,
For much easier and less effort playing you need to remove the
reedplates and gap the reeds. A bent windsaver wont help matters but
your problem lies in the gapping. Hohner is a bunch of limp dicked
idiots for securing the reed plates with brad nails.
Actually, on their 16 hole models like the chromonica 64 (as well as on
the cx12, meisterklasse chromatic and the new chrometta's) Hohner uses
screws to secure the reedplates to the comb. It's their 260's 270's that
still have nails. On wooden combs.

That aside: for gapping a draw reed you won't need to remove the reed
plates as they're on the outside.
2009-02-09 04:31:55 UTC
Thank you all for answering my newbie questions. I am really glad I
have fellow enthusiasts to help me out even though none are physically
near to where I live. I have considerably reduced the poppings by
keeping my harmonica warm. I got a reply from one of the people who I
know owns the same instrument and got a very nice (though equally
surprising) reply. He said that nothing was wrong with my harmonica
and suggested I breathe in/out through the nose while I play the lower
notes. And it really works!

I would really like to understand as to why it happens. I mean, if it
is just the speed with which I draw in, then I have pretty much tried
all speeds. So what changes when I breath in through my nose
simultaneously? Anyway, I still am to come to terms with this new
trick and have been practicing it ever since. I even found a very good
song that uses that note frequently.

I was also suggested that I use tongue blocking while I play the
instrument. Now, in all the video lessons that I have seen online,
they suggest that the first thing one should learn is to get pure,
single notes out of the instrument by puckering your lips. And in case
one is not able to do that, they suggest that the tongue be used to
block the adjascent holes. Is there any inherent benifit in using the
tongue over the lip puckering routine? I am pretty used to getting
single notes without using my tongue and I get my mouthpiece all wet
when I use my tongue. Please suggest and guide me through this.

By the way my harmonica has nailed reeds on a plastic comb. It is the
Super Chromonica 64 that have them screwed onto the comb. I shall
definitely consider a Suzuki if ever I am looking for my next
harmonica. But for now, I have seriously fallen in love with the
present one and pray that it stays with me forever. Any suggestions to
make it stay?

Thanks again,
2009-02-09 16:54:57 UTC
Post by Gaurav
Thank you all for answering my newbie questions. I am really glad I
have fellow enthusiasts to help me out even though none are physically
near to where I live. I have considerably reduced the poppings by
keeping my harmonica warm. I got a reply from one of the people who I
know owns the same instrument and got a very nice (though equally
surprising) reply. He said that nothing was wrong with my harmonica
and suggested I breathe in/out through the nose while I play the lower
notes. And it really works!
I would really like to understand as to why it happens. I mean, if it
is just the speed with which I draw in, then I have pretty much tried
all speeds. So what changes when I breath in through my nose
simultaneously? Anyway, I still am to come to terms with this new
trick and have been practicing it ever since. I even found a very good
song that uses that note frequently.
I was also suggested that I use tongue blocking while I play the
instrument. Now, in all the video lessons that I have seen online,
they suggest that the first thing one should learn is to get pure,
single notes out of the instrument by puckering your lips. And in case
one is not able to do that, they suggest that the tongue be used to
block the adjascent holes. Is there any inherent benifit in using the
tongue over the lip puckering routine? I am pretty used to getting
single notes without using my tongue and I get my mouthpiece all wet
when I use my tongue. Please suggest and guide me through this.
By the way my harmonica has nailed reeds on a plastic comb. It is the
Super Chromonica 64 that have them screwed onto the comb. I shall
definitely consider a Suzuki if ever I am looking for my next
harmonica. But for now, I have seriously fallen in love with the
present one and pray that it stays with me forever. Any suggestions to
make it stay?
Thanks again,
Both tongue blocking and lip puckering should be comfortable for you to
use if you practice both ways.Could come in handy in certain situations.
Listen closely,one method produces a somewhat mellower tone then the
other. Have fun. Allen
2009-02-17 00:52:48 UTC
Post by Gaurav
Dear all,
I am, now, a proud owner of a Hohner Chromonica 64-the 16 hole wonder.
I got it through an internet website and it has arrived only a couple
of days ago. It really is a gem of an instrument and I am really glad
I went for it.
However, I have noticed two things after playing continuously for the
past two days.
1. I cannot get any sound from the 2nd draw hole (ie the 'F' note from
the second register out of the 4 redgsters of the harmonica). Now, I
dont know of any songs where I reach such low notes, but still since I
have a very good harmonica, I would want it to work perfectly. There
are no harmonica repair people anywhere around where I live. So, I
would like to know as to what could be the problem and what i could do
to cure it. Even though the instrument is pretty new, I am not averse
to opening things and having a look around. I looked on websites but I
could not find any helpful links (maybe I was not using the right
keywords). Help please.
2. The wind-savers on my harmonica are all two flap type. One of them
began popping so I had to wipe it. But I seem to have bent it in my
enthusiasm. I don't know if I can get more wind-savers anywhere. Can I
unbend the existing one? If so, what would be the right way to go
about doing it?
Any help or pointers would be highly appreciated.
Breathing through your nose is a no no if you want good tone. Also the
reed plates should be removed for gapping so that you can see what
kind of gap youre
dealing with as a starting point. Also its the only way to be able to
gap all of them
either opened up or closed. Too small is as bad as too wide because
the reed chokes. Too wide and it takes too much wind to produce sound