(too old to reply)
2008-02-08 11:54:48 UTC
OK Harpman wants some discussion.

I normally play sax in a Rock 'n' Roll band but for 1 number (at the moment)
I play harp. I normally blow through an SM58 which is also used for backing
vocals. Now the band want a "dirtier" sound, any recommendations? I can't
afford to buy alot of new kit.

Tony (Blues score 851)
Mr Nilsson
2008-02-08 12:41:17 UTC
you need to run the mic into an amp or through some kind of box, like
a behringer mic200 with a swapped tube or one of those special harp
boxes (harp commander?)
Post by Tony
OK Harpman wants some discussion.
I normally play sax in a Rock 'n' Roll band but for 1 number (at the moment)
I play harp. I normally blow through an SM58 which is also used for backing
vocals. Now the band want a "dirtier" sound, any recommendations? I can't
afford to buy alot of new kit.
Tony (Blues score 851)
2008-02-08 14:12:43 UTC
I had thought of going through an effects pedal but, I tend to think they're
called guitar pedals for a reason.

Post by Mr Nilsson
you need to run the mic into an amp or through some kind of box, like
a behringer mic200 with a swapped tube or one of those special harp
boxes (harp commander?)
Post by Tony
OK Harpman wants some discussion.
I normally play sax in a Rock 'n' Roll band but for 1 number (at the moment)
I play harp. I normally blow through an SM58 which is also used for backing
vocals. Now the band want a "dirtier" sound, any recommendations? I can't
afford to buy alot of new kit.
Tony (Blues score 851)
Eric Stahl
2008-02-09 07:20:17 UTC
On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 11:54:48 -0000, "Tony" <zootgs11r at tiscali dot co
Post by Tony
OK Harpman wants some discussion.
I normally play sax in a Rock 'n' Roll band but for 1 number (at the moment)
I play harp. I normally blow through an SM58 which is also used for backing
vocals. Now the band want a "dirtier" sound, any recommendations? I can't
afford to buy alot of new kit.
Tony (Blues score 851)
Once you start down that road, money will be spent :-)

Everyone will have an opinion of what sounds best. My advice for
combining cost and quality in a tube amp would be a Kalamazoo (Gibson)
Model One or Two amp (mid-1960's with tubes, not the later IC design)
and any mic shell with a Shure Dynamic CM or CR element in it. Then
run your SM58 from in front of the amp into the club PA. The
Kalamazoo's a good sounding amp and is usually found on eBay.

Listen to sound clips online first cause it is a personal opinion as
to what'll sound good.

Take a listen to the Fat Dog Mini-Amp sound clips (Robbie thinks it'll
be available in March) at:

Robbie has good sounding amps.

The Harp Commander that was mentioned is nice, and if you find one
used it'll might cost about the same as the Kalamazoo and a CM/CR.
There are no tubes in the Harp Commander - but it does a good job. The
Harp Commander III is available new, online.

2008-02-09 14:55:46 UTC
Post by Eric Stahl
On Fri, 8 Feb 2008 11:54:48 -0000, "Tony" <zootgs11r at tiscali dot co
Post by Tony
OK Harpman wants some discussion.
I normally play sax in a Rock 'n' Roll band but for 1 number (at the moment)
I play harp. I normally blow through an SM58 which is also used for backing
vocals. Now the band want a "dirtier" sound, any recommendations? I can't
afford to buy alot of new kit.
Tony (Blues score 851)
Once you start down that road, money will be spent :-)
Everyone will have an opinion of what sounds best. My advice for
combining cost and quality in a tube amp would be a Kalamazoo (Gibson)
Model One or Two amp (mid-1960's with tubes, not the later IC design)
and any mic shell with a Shure Dynamic CM or CR element in it. Then
run your SM58 from in front of the amp into the club PA. The
Kalamazoo's a good sounding amp and is usually found on eBay.
Listen to sound clips online first cause it is a personal opinion as
to what'll sound good.
Take a listen to the Fat Dog Mini-Amp sound clips (Robbie thinks it'll
Robbie has good sounding amps.
The Harp Commander that was mentioned is nice, and if you find one
used it'll might cost about the same as the Kalamazoo and a CM/CR.
There are no tubes in the Harp Commander - but it does a good job. The
Harp Commander III is available new, online.
Hi Eric

thanks for your reply, I'm just looking for as many comments, views as
possible at the moment, for tonight I'm going to run through a Yamaha ST5
wind controller.


Robert Reynolds
2008-02-09 18:21:33 UTC
Post by Eric Stahl
Take a listen to the Fat Dog Mini-Amp sound clips (Robbie thinks it'll
Thanks for mentioning my name. The sheet metal guy just told me a
couple of days ago that they will give me a quote by the end of the
week. Well, the end of the week came and went with no quote, but I'll
probably get one some time next week. Once I give them the go-ahead,
I'll likely have the cases in 4 to 6 weeks, which means I'm still on
target for March.

I can vary the amount of crunch in the Mini Amp by changing the value of
a couple of resistors. When I start taking orders I could offer clean,
medium or super crunch, depending on what the customer wants. This
could potentially turn into too much trouble, but I'm thinking about it....
John Agosta
2008-02-09 19:07:57 UTC
When I start taking orders I could offer clean, medium or super crunch,
depending on what the customer wants.
You should have a setting for "Captain Crunch."

(couldn't resist)

Hope u r doing well, Rob !

