(too old to reply)
2009-04-22 04:29:27 UTC
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
2009-04-22 12:50:28 UTC
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
Silk, What happened? Do you know the details. He was not very old! He
just made a few comments on the newsgroup not that long ago. I am
shocked and very saddened. Allen
2009-04-22 19:18:25 UTC
Did you mean Keith Adams, no, I'm in contact with him on a face book, no, I
hope that isn't Keith.
I look on the face book, that's true, our harp bro Keith Adams passed away
thursday night.

I'm fucked up, I can't believed, no, how come, he was my face book friend,
harp bro.

Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
John Agosta
2009-04-22 19:35:42 UTC
This is sad news indeed.
Keith an I had corresponded every now and then through email,
and had exchanged mp3s, lyrics, and the like with each other. He was a good

Wishing all of you good health, good fun, and good blessings.

Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
2009-04-22 20:08:27 UTC
Harp bro, this is sed moment for our news group, Keith is really nice guy,
have a word for everybody, I'm on face book with him lately. I herad most of
his song, harp play, his guitar, he is a guitar builder. So sad man, so sad,
I'm empty now, stick my harp in hand and think about him.

Johnnny much regards to you.
Post by John Agosta
This is sad news indeed.
Keith an I had corresponded every now and then through email,
and had exchanged mp3s, lyrics, and the like with each other. He was a
good guy.
Wishing all of you good health, good fun, and good blessings.
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
2009-04-22 21:16:19 UTC
Post by Zoran
Harp bro, this is sed moment for our news group, Keith is really nice guy,
have a word for everybody, I'm on face book with him lately. I herad most of
his song, harp play, his guitar, he is a guitar builder. So sad man, so sad,
I'm empty now, stick my harp in hand and think about him.
Johnnny much regards to you.
Post by John Agosta
This is sad news indeed.
Keith an I had corresponded every now and then through email,
and had exchanged mp3s, lyrics, and the like with each other. He was a
good guy.
Wishing all of you good health, good fun, and good blessings.
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
I am sick!Keith made a custom multi wood harp mic for me many yrs. ago
at NO charge. It is a beautiful piece of sculpture I will cherish
forever!Does anyone know what happened to him???Allen
2009-04-22 21:16:30 UTC
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
Ol Adams done smarted off one to many times and someone shut his
smart ass up for good. Can't says i'll miss the dickhead and if
i knew where his grave was i'd piss on it.

burn in hell Adams
Eric Stahl
2009-04-22 21:46:11 UTC
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away. He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
Keith, You'll be missed.

Captain Pleased
2009-05-27 02:51:46 UTC
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away.  He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
May all beings everywhere be free from suffering.

Rest easy old friend.
2009-06-20 07:39:53 UTC
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away.  He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
That's very sad news. Keith's posts were always entertaining. He was
also a talented lyricist and luthier. I just pulled out the mic he
made for me, .... cool ergonomics! I'll definitely miss the ol'
cack! See ya later Keith. Oh yeah, it's good to see some familiar
names posting here.
2009-06-22 04:53:02 UTC
Post by silk
Hi guys, Sorry to return with such bad news, but our buddy, "Adams",
has passed away.  He died last Thursday and it was apparently very
sudden and unexpected... His girlfriend, Linda just contacted me and I
thought I would let you all know.
That's very sad news. Keith's posts were always entertaining.  He was
also a talented lyricist and luthier. I just pulled out the mic he
made for me, .... cool ergonomics!  I'll definitely miss the ol'
cack!  See ya later Keith.  Oh yeah, it's good to see some familiar
names posting here.
Just signed back in under Mukluk instead of Harodude. Actually,
Adams was the lad who gave me that nickname. Here's a link to a pic
of myself and Kenny Neal. Kenny had just signed the mic that Keith
had made for me. I also have Charlie Musselwhite, James Cotton,
Donnie Walsh, and a few other signatures on it.


Watermelon Man
2009-06-25 01:16:00 UTC
Greeting Fellow Harpers! Nice to see a few familiar peoples here
again. It's been a while since I've posted here, I've been off making
babies LOL! Just kidding.

I was just starting out with my blues radio show last night and saw an
email from my good friend Chuck. When I read his news that our mate
Keith Adams had passed away I couldn't believe it but moreso I felt
regret that I hadn't been in touch with him lately.

I liked Keith, he seemed to bring the best and the worst out in
everyone LOL. He was as generous as heck and like many of us he was
very passionate about the harmonica. RIP Keith.

Nate in New Zealand
2009-06-25 02:49:07 UTC
Post by Watermelon Man
Greeting Fellow Harpers! Nice to see a few familiar peoples here
again. It's been a while since I've posted here, I've been off making
babies LOL! Just kidding.
I was just starting out with my blues radio show last night and saw an
email from my good friend Chuck. When I read his news that our mate
Keith Adams had passed away I couldn't believe it but moreso I felt
regret that I hadn't been in touch with him lately.
I liked Keith, he seemed to bring the best and the worst out in
everyone LOL. He was as generous as heck and like many of us he was
very passionate about the harmonica. RIP Keith.
Nate in New Zealand
Hi Nate, Long time no hear. Yeah we will all(or almost all) miss Keith.
He made me a great custom microphone many years ago. Hey, can you throw
up some songs from our site http://www.reverbnation.com/frontporchblues
on your radio show? If not, that's understandable. I was curious if
you get feedback from listeners.Thanks. Allen
Watermelon Man
2009-07-08 05:20:08 UTC
Hi Allen, sure I can play your tunes, only too happy to brother. Am
downloading as I type. Will try to play them in the next few weeks. If
I get my act together I will try and load the show online as a podcast
for you to hear. Alternatively you can try tuning in LIVE, 9pm NZ
time, not sure what time that would be for you Allen.

Reverbnation looks interesting. Might have a look around there. I see
you have a pic with Mark Hummel, nice one, he's a great player and has
supported The Blues Room by sending us some tasty Blues Harmonica
Showdown CDs.

Good to hear from you Allen!
