(too old to reply)
2009-07-08 15:02:47 UTC
Nate, Thanks for the plug. Have no idea of the time difference from
Calif. to New Zealand ,or where to go on the computer to get your
broadcast live. But I sure do thank you. This past Sat. we performed at
a private party that a caterer put on for about 150 of his friends in N.
Ca. Mark Hummel came on right after us. It was the most exciting and
nerve racking time I have had being on a program with him and speaking
to him. Really nice guy. I have seen him perform many times as he lives
in the N. Ca. area.Thanks again for getting our music on new Zealand
Watermelon Man
2009-07-18 15:35:27 UTC
Hi Allen, no problem. Like your LIVE performance before Mark Hummel,
the song I played of yours warmed the way for Cephas and Wiggins on my

Here's the link:
The Blues Room: Episode 183: Billy TK Junior, 15 July 2009.

Hope I didn't butcher details too much and silly me was too unprepared
and forgot your fellow guitar players name and the way website where I
downloaded your songs. Sorry!

Nate in rainy, wintery New Zealand
2009-07-19 05:43:16 UTC
Post by Watermelon Man
Hi Allen, no problem. Like your LIVE performance before Mark Hummel,
the song I played of yours warmed the way for Cephas and Wiggins on my
The Blues Room: Episode 183: Billy TK Junior, 15 July 2009.
Hope I didn't butcher details too much and silly me was too unprepared
and forgot your fellow guitar players name and the way website where I
downloaded your songs. Sorry!
Nate in rainy, wintery New Zealand
Nate, Thanks a million for playing Route 66!!! Ed and I greatly
appreciate it. trying to find a way of hearing this program but not sure
how or if possible. Allen
2009-07-19 06:52:23 UTC
Post by Harpman
Post by Watermelon Man
Hi Allen, no problem. Like your LIVE performance before Mark Hummel,
the song I played of yours warmed the way for Cephas and Wiggins on my
The Blues Room: Episode 183: Billy TK Junior, 15 July 2009.
Hope I didn't butcher details too much and silly me was too unprepared
and forgot your fellow guitar players name and the way website where I
downloaded your songs. Sorry!
Nate in rainy, wintery New Zealand
Nate, Thanks a million for playing Route 66!!! Ed and I greatly
appreciate it. trying to find a way of hearing this program but not sure
how or if possible. Allen
I hit Play and heard the entire show. Great job!Thanks again. Allen
2009-07-29 04:44:30 UTC
Post by Harpman
Nate, Thanks for the plug. Have no idea of the time difference from
Calif. to New Zealand ,or where to go on the computer to get your
broadcast live. But I sure do thank you. This past Sat. we performed at
a private party that a caterer put on for about 150 of his friends in N.
Ca. Mark Hummel came on right after us. It was the most exciting and
nerve racking time I have had being on a program with him and speaking
to him. Really nice guy. I have seen him perform many times as he lives
in the N. Ca. area.Thanks again for getting our music on new Zealand
I followed the link and and heard it too. You really play the
harmonica VERY well. I know very little about Blues music but I liked
what I heard. I picked up my harmonica about four years ago and
obtained a Hohner Chromonica 64 this year. I wish to be able to play
it good enough to be able to perform on a stage someday.

It is really sad this google group has so few posts. I wish there were
some people from somewhere near me so I could meet up with them and

Keep up the great work!

2009-07-29 04:56:11 UTC
Post by Gaurav
Post by Harpman
Nate, Thanks for the plug. Have no idea of the time difference from
Calif. to New Zealand ,or where to go on the computer to get your
broadcast live. But I sure do thank you. This past Sat. we performed at
a private party that a caterer put on for about 150 of his friends in N.
Ca. Mark Hummel came on right after us. It was the most exciting and
nerve racking time I have had being on a program with him and speaking
to him. Really nice guy. I have seen him perform many times as he lives
in the N. Ca. area.Thanks again for getting our music on new Zealand
I followed the link and and heard it too. You really play the
harmonica VERY well. I know very little about Blues music but I liked
what I heard. I picked up my harmonica about four years ago and
obtained a Hohner Chromonica 64 this year. I wish to be able to play
it good enough to be able to perform on a stage someday.
It is really sad this google group has so few posts. I wish there were
some people from somewhere near me so I could meet up with them and
Keep up the great work!
Gaurav, Thanks for the great comment about my playing.Where are you
living? There are harmonica people all over the world. And if you ever
get involved with SPAH you will find them. Allen
2009-07-30 08:08:46 UTC
Post by Harpman
Gaurav, Thanks for the great comment about my playing.Where are you
living? There are harmonica people all over the world. And if you ever
get involved with SPAH you will find them. Allen
Hi Allen,
I live in India. Even though harmonica music has been an age old part
of Indian film music, and that is what primarily attracted me to
playing the harmonica, it is difficult to find people who share the
hobby in relatively smaller places of our land, like the place I live
in. I have come across some nice groups that promote harmonica playing
but they are a bit far away. But I really mean to meet up when I go
there. One such group is:


The SPAH really seems like a great group. But I am not sure as to how
active it is in my country. If you are a member, could you please find
out if there are any members from here. I would really be interested
in joining the group. Another thing that is on my mind is that I am a
late starter and a newbie who plays things with the help of notations
and sometimes is able to get a tune or two by the ear. I understand
that only practice can improve my playing. That and listening to good
music such as yours.

2009-07-30 16:11:34 UTC
Post by Watermelon Man
Post by Harpman
Gaurav, Thanks for the great comment about my playing.Where are you
living? There are harmonica people all over the world. And if you ever
get involved with SPAH you will find them. Allen
Hi Allen,
I live in India. Even though harmonica music has been an age old part
of Indian film music, and that is what primarily attracted me to
playing the harmonica, it is difficult to find people who share the
hobby in relatively smaller places of our land, like the place I live
in. I have come across some nice groups that promote harmonica playing
but they are a bit far away. But I really mean to meet up when I go
The SPAH really seems like a great group. But I am not sure as to how
active it is in my country. If you are a member, could you please find
out if there are any members from here. I would really be interested
in joining the group. Another thing that is on my mind is that I am a
late starter and a newbie who plays things with the help of notations
and sometimes is able to get a tune or two by the ear. I understand
that only practice can improve my playing. That and listening to good
music such as yours.
Gurav, Not sure how far away you are from this place but here is a
contact from the SPAH directory of harmonica clubs:Harmonica Institute,
Mouth Organ House,Shahu College Road 13,State Bank Colony #2, Pune,
MAH,411009 Subhash Kairnar,Member This would be a good
contact to see who lives near you that might be a member of this club
.You might want to join SPAH(all info is on their website) as they put
out a very interesting magazine several times a year.Also you get a
discount on the yearly convention, if you ever get a chance to come to
it.Regarding being a late starter-I started blues harp lessons at age
55.Now I am 67.There are literally hundreds of harmonica sites for
learning on the internet. Search around and you will be surprised what
you find.There are hundreds of songs written in harmonica tablature on
the sites also.I took private lessons for 18 months and strongly believe
that is the best way to learn .Second best is the internet and lots of
practice.Get cds to play along with in the music venue you like.Good
luck and if I can be of any other help, please contact me. Allen
