What Amp?
(too old to reply)
Tim Finnegan
2007-12-28 07:53:36 UTC
Hi All

I have been learning the harp for about 18 months and jam with a couple of
bands and sing in another. I have an Sure SM58 vocal mike which seems OK
for the harp at this time. For Christmas my better half suggested I pick up
an amp for practicing at home and to help in gigs where I need a bit more

What sort of rig should I be looking at? I have seen guitar amps from $150
up and I saw a small PA which is 50 watt with 2 cannon inputs and a guitar

What sort of amps do I need for this all-round unit? Tubes or transistor?
Guitar amp or PA?

I would appreciate any advice

2007-12-28 11:27:20 UTC
Post by Tim Finnegan
Hi All
I have been learning the harp for about 18 months and jam with a couple of
bands and sing in another. I have an Sure SM58 vocal mike which seems OK
for the harp at this time. For Christmas my better half suggested I pick up
an amp for practicing at home and to help in gigs where I need a bit more
What sort of rig should I be looking at? I have seen guitar amps from $150
up and I saw a small PA which is 50 watt with 2 cannon inputs and a guitar
What sort of amps do I need for this all-round unit? Tubes or transistor?
Guitar amp or PA?
I would appreciate any advice

Start here:




Depends on what you want to spend. What's your budget?

There's probably 50-100+ good used (old) and new amps for harp, that
range from $150 to $1000, some new and some used. Most are tube.

Have bought most of my amps off of ebay and have been very satisfied.
But be careful and study up before you make a purchase. However, a few
of them did need some tech work when I received them. Minor stuff; hum,
rattle, etc.

Have tried this amp and love it. Will be my next buy:




Both of these amps have a line out jack. so you can run the amp's great
tone to your bands's PA, if necessary.

I'm sure others on this board will have more good info.

good luck,

